The Arm Lift, also called Brachioplasty, is a procedure that is performed to improve the upper arms. Many people struggle with the appearance of their upper arms, especially as they get older or after a weight loss when excess, sagging skin is left over. The arm lift procedure is performed under anesthesia and the surgical incision may be made either in the inner arm from elbow to underarm, or along the back of the arm from elbow to underarm, or if there is only a minimal amount of rejuvenation required to achieve the goal, the incision may be made solely in the underarm area. This incision will leave a permanent scar that will fade over time, but never completely go away.
Sometimes patients may combine liposuction with brachioplasty to also address stubborn localized fat in the area. If you are interested in learning more about the brachioplasty procedure and to find out if it may be right for you, contact our office to schedule your consultation today.
Our office remains committed to providing medically necessary care to our patients and are offering alternate ways for patients to consult with their physician during these difficult times. Please call our office at 757-466-1000 to discuss your appointment options.