Breast Augmentation with breast implants are a consistently popular cosmetic procedure performed throughout the United States. Breast implants comes in a variety of sizes, shapes, textures, and may be placed above or behind the muscle. Implants are either silicone gel filled or saline solution filled and may be placed using one of a couple different incision placements. Each of these options offer pros and cons that may be best suited for different women–no two breast augmentation procedures are exactly alike, just like no two women are exactly alike. It is important to be educated about your options for breast augmentation so that you make the best decision for your body and lifestyle.
If you are tired of feeling self-conscious of your breast size and interested in learning more about your breast enhancement options, and to find out if the breast augmentation procedure may be right for you, contact our office to schedule your consultation today. Ideal candidates are in good health mentally and physically, and have realistic expectations for the procedure and potential results.
Our office remains committed to providing medically necessary care to our patients and are offering alternate ways for patients to consult with their physician during these difficult times. Please call our office at 757-466-1000 to discuss your appointment options.